DK   UK


Lives and works in Denmark.

MFA the Art Academy of Jutland

Artist duo since 1993.



Selected Solo Exhibitions / * Denotes publication, text:

2024  My House is Red- Hot, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, DK *


2023   PARTICLES, Ormston House, Cultural Resource Centre, Limerick. IR

2019   Lunch / Blowers, Høvsørevej, Meetings II - ET4U, Fjaltring, DK *

2019   Ved Hegnet, Viborg Kunsthal, DK *

2019   Displaced Element, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, DK

2018   REVISIT, Ovengaden – Institute of contemporary art, Copenhagen, DK *

2017   DRIFTING, SKMU Sørlandet Kunstmuseum, NO *

2017   Protect/Release,-  Hanne Nielsen och Birgit JohnsenRöda Sten Konsthall, Gøteborg, SE *

2017   KIND OF NOISY SILENCE; Galleri Image, Aarhus, DK

2016   CARL NIELSEN & ANNE MARIE CARL-NIELSENS AWARD, Den Frie Contemporary Art, DK *         

2015   DRIFTING, the Laźnia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk, PL *

2014   Inclusion / Exclusion ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, DK *

2014   Drifting, Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen, DK *

2012   Facing the Dark, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, DK

2010   Terrain video – Video på kanten, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, DK

2007   Camaraderies, AROS, Århus Festuge, Århus, DK *

2007   Yvonnes Vindue, videopresentation in public space, Copenhagen, DK

2007   Esbjerg Libery, Esbjerg, DK

2006   Going blind – Dialough in the dark, Experimentarium, CPH, DK 

2005   Listasavn Foeroya, Thorshavn, FO

2004   Double perception, Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense, DK *

2004   Life and Story, Århus Kunstbygning - Centre for Conpemporary Art, Århus, DK *

2004   Sliding Relations, SHOWROOM, Copenhagen, DK *

2004   AROS, Systematic Art Price, Aarhus, DK 

2003   Territorielle Udsagn, Øst for Paradis og Cinemateket DFI, DK.

2003   The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, IS 

2003   Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Esbjerg, DK *

2003   Blindgang, Ringstedgalleriet, DK

2002   Territorielle Statements, Overgaden, Institute of Contemporary Art, DK *

2000   Inflated Constructions I-III, DEMO RUMMET 3/ Århus Kunstmuseum, ARoS, DK *

2000   Børges Bilværksted – Four men and one car, Danish Film Institute, DK

1999   Carwash, Rhizom, Århus, DK

1999   RELUX Brænderigården, Viborg, DK *

1994   Overgaden, Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen


Selected Group Exhibitions / * Denotes publication

2023  Bevæg dig bevæg mig, ARKEN Museum for Modern Kunst, DK

2023  First there was a Mountain, WADDEN TIDE 2023, Blåvandshuk, Wadden Sea National Park, DK,

2023  Vrå; DK

2022  LYS.MUR, Svenborg, DK

2022  "60 x 60 - FOOD = POLITICS + PLEASURE " Museum Brot und Kunst, Germany

2021  DIAGNOSIS OF TIME: Unlearn What You Have Learned, The Savannah Centre for Contemporary

           Art / SCCA Tamale, Ghana

2021   ECLECTIC CAMPANGE(S), La chambre d’eau, Le Favril, F

2021   AROUND VIDEO ART FAIR, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Lille, F

2021   Beyond – Opening exhibitionCharlotte Fogh Gallery, DK       

2021   RENCONTRES INTENATIONALES, Paris, FR             

2021   FROM THE MONDANE WORLD, Guangdong He Art Museum (HEM), China

           Curated by chief curator Feng Boyi 


           A Platform for Free Exchange of Ideas and Art, https://artatatimelikethis.com/

2020   THE MUSEUM FOR ALL, THE MUSEUM FOR DOGS, The National  Museum of Modern and

           Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea*

2020   YOU ARE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW, Rønnebæksholm, DK

2020   REMINDER, the Laźnia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk, PL

2020   OMSLAG, Kh7artspace, DK

2020   Burnt out Umbrella and other StoriesCharlotte Fogh Gallery, DK         

2020   Trouble Diaries: Failure is a mother of success, Museum of Modern Art, Cuenca, Ecuador          

2020   Decembristerne, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, DK

2020   Trouble Diaries: Failure is a mother of success, Museum of Contemporary Art, Guayaquil, EC 

           (post poned COVID19)    

2019   NEMAF, 19. Seoul International New Media Festival, South Korea

2019   Art & Porn, ARoS, DK *

2019   RENCONTRES INTERNATIONALES PARIS, new cinema and contemporary art, Paris, F *

2019   RENCONTRES INTERNATIONALES, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE

2019   Vinter i Kunsthal Aarhus, DK

2018   Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Den FRIE, Copenhagen, DK

2018   JYLLAND I Heltborg,Heltborg Museum *

2017   Gwangju Media Art Festival, Gwangju, South Korea *

2017   Skulpturlandsby Selde – en platform for skulpturforsøg i det offentlige

           rum, Selde, DK*

2017   SY - M A Y S P A C E, Waterloo, Sidney, AUS

2017   Homeland - Çanakkale Art Walk, Kunsthalle Osnabrück / Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück, DE

2017   EAT ME, Trapholt, Kolding, DK *

2017   OK. Video- Indonesia Media Arts Festival, Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem, Jakarta, RI *

2017   PYONGCHANG BIENNALE, Gangneung, South Korea *

2017   No Man is an Island - The Satanic Verses, ARoS, Aarhus, DK *

2017   BILLLEDSTORM // IMAGE STORM, Kvindemuseet in Denmark, DK *


2016   5th ÇANAKKALE BIENNALE (cancelled) Çanakkale, TR

2016   Fra Billedkunst til videokunst / Nivaagaards Malerisamling, DK

2016   MUSEUM PIST PROTTA 35 years of alternative art history, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, DK


2016   Happiness & Misery - Selected works from ARoS Collection, ARoS, DK *

2016   EVERYDAY IMAGES - Video Art in various dimensions, Randers Kunstmuseum, DK *

2013   Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen, DK *

2013   Centrum för fotografi, Stockholm, SE

2013   Nikolaj Kunsthal, FOKUS Videokunstfestival 2013, Copenhagen, DK *

2013   Belgrade Cultural Center & Dom Kulture Studentski Grad, Beograd, SRB

2012   Photovisa, IV International Festival of Photography, Krasnodar, RU

2012   23 rd. Nordisk Panorama, 5 Cities Film Festival, Oulu, SF *

2012   Humor alvorlig talt, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Esbjerg, DK *

2011   FOKUS Videokunstfestival, Nikolaj, Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, DK *


2011   Vråudstillingen, Kunst bygningen Vrå, DK

2011   Dog is my CoPILOT, Machine-RAUM–a Biennale for Video Art and Digital Culture, Vejle, DK

2011   Hanne Nielsen og Birgit Johnsen i Bryggen, Vejle, DK

2010   Gallery Tom Christoffersen, the CUBE, Copenhagen, DK

2010   TERRAIN VIDEO - VIDEO PÅ KANTEN, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, DK

2010   Ikke en juleudstilling, Galleri Rohde, Copenhagen, DK 

2010   Decembristerne 80 år/ gæst, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, DK * 

2010   Love alley 2, Viby, DK *

2009   ID-entify Yourself, Notch09, Beijing, CN *

2009   Happy Birthday, ARoS - Århus Kunstmuseum 150 år, Århus, DK *

2009   Glowing Climate, - video presentations in public space, Copenhagen, DK

2009   Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyau, CN *

2009   Moving Space, Digitale Bevægelser i Rum, Copenhagen, DK

2008   Meget kunne være anderledes - en hilsen til Storm P, Brøndsalen, CPH, DK *

2007   BANDITS MAGES 9e festival des arte multi-me`die, Bourges, FR

2007   Køns Spetakler/ Gender Furore, the Womens Museum, DK *

2007   Machine-RAUM – a Biennale for Video Art and Digital Culture, Vejle art Museum, DK *

2006   Århus-Malmö Exchange 2006, Rosseum, Malmø, SE *

2006   Den Gyldne/ invited, Charlottenborg Kunsthal, Copenhagen, DK *

2006   Den Frie/ invited, Den Frie, Cpenhagen, DK

2006   Yvonnes Vindue, en udstillingsrække med videokunst i Yvonnes udstillingsvindue, Copenhagen, DK *

2005   Pixeldance Festival, GR     

2004   Dwelling, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, DK 2002 *

2002   The New York International Independent Film And Video Festival, LA & NY, USA

2002   On a clear day, Sophienholm, Copenhagen, DK *

2002   Personal vision 2001, Tokio, JPN *

2001   Værk, Knapstrup Teglværk, DK *

2001   MikrokinoFest 2001, Beograd, SRB

2001   Festival International D`art vidio di Casablanca, MA

2000   Centre d´art contemporain de Basse-Normandie, 14. rencontres video art plastiqe, FR

2000   REFLEX, Aarhus Kunstbygning, DK *

1999   Switch 1, Arte, French Television, FR

1998   Boomerang, Nikolaj, Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, DK *

1998   Künstlerhaus Dortmund, DE

1998   Retina`98, French/Baltic/Nordic Video New Media Festival 1998, Tallinn, EST *

1998   MuuMediaFestival, Helsinki, FI

1998   Transmediale, Berlin, DE *             

1998   Leerräume - Nothing but Space, DASA, hARTwareprojecte, Dortmund, DE *

1997   Reihe VIDEO Kunst, Landesmuseum Francisci-Carolinum, Linz, AUT

1997   Konstbrus, Södertälje Konsthall, SE *

1997   ON iceland, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, IS *

1997   3 Manifestation Internationale Video et Art Electronique, Champ Libre, CA

1997   World Wide Video Festival, Stedelijk Museum, Melkweg, Amsterdam, NL*

1997   PROMS III, Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, DK *

1997   SUM Jubilæumsudstilling, Aarhus Kunstbygning, DK *

1997   Jylland, Aahus Kunstbygning, DK *

1996   Den Haags Gemeentemuseum, World Wide Video Festival, Haag, NL *

1996   Le Nouveau Festival, International Cinema Video, Montreal, CA

1996   Elektroniske understrømme, Kunst and Video in Europe, National Gallery of Denmark, KBH, DK *

1996   Stichting Centrum voor Hedendaagse Kunst, Maastricht, NL

1996   Video Art Plastique, 10´emes Centre d´Art Contemporrain de Basse-Normandie, FR

1996   Jacta est alea / Terningerne er kastet, Aahus Kunstbygning, DK *

1996   Festival Video d´Estavar-Llivia, Mairie, FR

1996   Den Frie Udstilling/invited, Den Frie, Copenhagen, DK *

1995   Charlottenborgs FALL exhibition, Copenhagen, DK

1995   CRAWL – 7 experimental videoes Aarhus Film Workshop, DK *


Permanent Decorations:

Permanent decoration atHospitalsenhed Midt, Diagnostisk Center - Regionshospitalet Silkeborg Røntgen og Skanning 2024-2025

Permanent decoration at VIA University, Aarhus 2022

Permanent decoration of The New University Hospital in Aarhus, DK 2013-2017

Permanent decoration of Court of Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, DK 2016

Permanent decoration at Hospice Djursland DK 2015-17



ARoS, Aarhus Art Museum, DK

Statens Museum for Kunst, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen, DK

Bonn’s Art Museum, DE

Ny Carlsberfondet, DK

Danish Arts Foundation, DK

Århus Kommune, DK

DFI / Danish Filminstitute, DK


Medals, Prizes and Awards:

The Danish Art Council, performance of Lifetime Honors 2021

The New Carlsberg Foundation´s Art Award, 2020

NY CARLSBERG FONDET Honorary award, 2020

Awarded with ECKERSBERG MEDAL, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, 2017


Awarded of Academy and Danish painter Society Jury 1996

Award for Akademirådet og Dansk Billedkunstnersamfunds Jury 1996

Award for exhibition INKLUSION/EXCLUSION by the Danish Art Foundation 2014

Systematics Art Prize 2004.

Ole Haslund Artist Fund 2004.

Artist Fund of the 1973rd 2005


Selected grants:

15 Juni Fonden 2020

S.C.Van Fonden 2020

Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond 2020

Danish Arts Foundation, latest projects grants 2019

Preben Siigers Fond, AKADEMIRÅDET 2015


3-years Working Grant the Danish Arts Foundation 2008

AKADEMIRÅDET travel grant 2001

Gerhard Henning Grant 2001

Jens Ejnar & Johanne Larsens Fond travel grant 1997

The Danish Film Institute travel grant 1996

Other related activities:

Art consultants of The Danish Building and Property Agency 2015-2023

Committee member of Holstebro Kunstmuseum 2022-

Committee member of Kunsthal Aarhus 2012-2014

Committee member of Kulturudviklingspulje Århus 2008-2012

Committee member of The Danish Art Council 2007-2011

Committee member of Det billedkunstneriske udvalg, Århus Municipality 2004-2007

Committee member of Galleri IMAGE, Center for Fotografisk Kunst 2005-2007

Committee member of Ny Skive Kunst Museum 2007



Curating Machine-RAUM – a Biennale for Video Art and Digital Culture, Vejle, DK 2007 & 2010 & 2011

Curating Video ART in Bryggen Vejle Dk, Video art in public, Bryggen Shopping Center 2008-2011